Ethical Violation Reporting
Our Code of Ethics summarizes the expected behavior of all PROPELUS employees. In short, it provides we will conduct business fairly, impartially, ethically and in compliance with all applicable laws. Our business conduct must be guided by the highest level of integrity and honesty, whether it be when dealing with our customers, vendors or employees. Employees must not engage in any activity that could impugn PROPELUS'S honesty, impartiality or reputation. Employees must obey all applicable laws and regulations governing PROPELUS operations anywhere we conduct business. Each employee is obligated to ask questions, seek guidance and report actual or suspected violations of this Code of Ethics. PROPELUS will neither permit nor tolerate any retaliation against employees who raise legitimate, bona fide concerns of actual or suspected violations. Such retaliation is cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Regular business matters for which you do not desire anonymity should be directed to your supervisor and should not be submitted using this anonymous reporting service.